The exam is 1 Hour long. Students can do the online exam on a portable device such as a mobile/tablet or a computer.

please watch the video below advising:

How to do the MUS syllabus MCQ Exam Step by Step [Video Guide]


MUS EXAM Frequently Asked Questions 


1) What Type of exam questions will the candidate see in the online exam?

Candidates doing the MUS Book 1,2 & 3 exam will see multiple-choice or single-choice questions.
However, candidates doing the MUS Book 4,5, 6 & 7 exams MAY also see a mixture of the following:
• Dropdown list
• Single Choice
• Multiple Choice
• Matching questions
• Fill in the Blanks
• True or False questions
• Essay questions*

2) * How will you mark an essay question if the results are given on the same day?

The essay questions will have a limit on the characters that can be typed. If a candidate doing Book 4,5,6 or 7 receives an essay-style question, it will be forwarded to a MUS examination board member to check once it is submitted. The turnaround time is 4 hours, and the candidate will still receive the result and Grade on the same day if an online exam includes essay-style question/s the candidate will be made aware of it on the welcome page before the exam starts.

3a) Can I have the online exam on a different date?

The online exam can be started on the exam date anytime from 8 am and is available for 12 hours from 8 am to 8 pm.
The exam is 1 Hour long. Students can do the online exam on a portable device such as a mobile/tablet or a computer.

Our exam date is fixed for all candidates, and the exam date can not be changed for any candidate or for any exam centre; this prevents cheating.

3b) Can I view the answers after finishing the exam?

To prevent cheating, this option is disabled. We do not want students to share answers. When we make quizzes in the future on the portal, we will enable this option, but during exams, it will be disabled.

4a) How many questions will be in the online exam?
In the MUS Book 1 to 7 exam, there are a total of 50 questions

4b) How many questions will the graduation exam have?
The graduation exam can be taken by:

1) Students who have studied the 7 Book MUS syllabus and passed the previous exams. 

2) Teachers teaching the MUS syllabus

3) Parents wanting to assess their Islamic knowledge. The graduation exam contains 50 questions created using all 7 MUS books.  

4c) How many questions will the Arabic exam have?
 For the MUS Arabic exam, there will be 50 questions.

5) How many marks can a candidate get in any MUS exam?
Total marks are 100 in all MUS exams.

6) What are the Grade boundaries and pass marks on all the MUS exams?

The exam pass marks and grade criteria
for MUS BOOK 1 TO 7  is, 51% out of 100 is a PASS

51 marks to 60.5 marks = Grade D
61 marks to 70.5 marks = Grade C
71 marks to 80.5 marks = Grade B
81 marks to 90.5 marks = Grade A
91 marks to 100 marks = Grade A*


The exam pass marks and grade criteria
for MUS Graduation Exam is 81% out of 100 is a PASS

81 marks to 85.5 marks = Grade C
86 marks to 90.5 marks = Grade B
91 marks to 95.5 marks = Grade A
96 marks to 100 marks = Grade A*


for MUS Arabic Exam  is 51% out of 100 is a PASS

51 marks to 60.5 marks = Grade D
61 marks to 70.5 marks = Grade C
71 marks to 80.5 marks = Grade B
81 marks to 90.5 marks = Grade A
91 marks to 100 marks = Grade A*


7) If candidates do not meet the minimum required marks to pass, can they retake the exam?
All candidates taking the yearly exam who do not meet the minimum marks to pass the exam can retake the exam next year.

8) If a candidate is not happy with the Grade, can they retake the exam?
Yes, all candidates who want to retake the exam to get a better grade can retake the exam next year.

9A) How long is the exam?
All MUS exam papers & online exams are one hour.

9B) How many questions are in the exam?

There are 50 questions per paper this year.   From the previous two online MUS exams, we have received feedback from 820 candidates, and more than 80% of the candidates said they wanted more questions in the exam.

Looking at the submission data from our previous two exams, the average time it took candidates to submit the online exam was 14 minutes.  

10) I registered for the MUS exam online; what is the next step?
After registering for the exam, you will get two emails. The first email will be an auto-respond email confirming the details you have submitted on the form. If any of the details are incorrect, please do not submit another form but contact us via the contact form on our website.

11) My name or DOB was wrong when I registered; what should I do?

All candidates are required to check the spelling and format of their Names. Please let the Examination Board know of any errors in the registration form, as all changes will cost £9.99 once the certificates are issued.

In the email, check  the following information:
. Your ID number (This is also your username)
. The Exam paper you registered for.


12) I know the exam start time is at 8 am, can I start the exam after that?
Yes, you can. The online exam is available 12 hours after 8 am, and candidates can start the exam anytime from 8 am to 8 pm.

13) If I start the exam at 7:30 pm, will I get my entire 1 hour, or will the exam finish at 8 pm?
The exam starts at 8 am, and candidates have 12 hours from 8 am to start the exam. If the candidate begins the exam at 7:30 pm, they will only get 30 minutes because the online exam finishes at 8 pm. All candidates are advised to start the exam at 8 am.

14) Will I get my certificate and my result instantly after my exam?
Yes, all candidates who successfully pass the exam can download the MUS certificate as a PDF document. 

15) Will the exam contain all the questions from the practice papers?
Practice questions are intended to help familiarise students with our style of exam papers. These papers are not the real exam papers students will get on exam day. All candidates should also study and read the correct MUS Book to fully prepare for the exam. Exam questions are created using the 3rd edition of MUS  Books. [The latest edition currently is Edition 3]  You can download a PDF copy or buy a hard copy of any 3rd edition MUS book from this link:

16) Do I need to attend an Islamic centre Madressa to register for the exam?
No, anyone attending a Shia Madrassa or taking part in the MUS Zoom classes can register for the exam.

17) What is the appeal process? & What can you appeal against?
You can only appeal against Exam Marks & Exam Result. If you are not satisfied with the Exam Marks or Exam Result (EMER) you can ask the invigilator or the Exam Centre to submit the appeal on your behalf.

The appeal fee is [£9.99] per exam paper. To appeal, click here  . Appeals should be made within 1 Week of receiving the CANDIDATE STATEMENT OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS Document or within one week of doing an online exam and downloading your certificate.

The appeal process turnaround time is one calendar month. Once the appeal is submitted, a MUS Examination Board member who has had no previous involvement with your exam paper or your online exam will mark the online exam.

Please note that you cannot appeal against:
• Complaints before Exam Marks or Exam Results (EMER)s

• Access to original candidate exam paper. Exam papers are the property of Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Shia Europe. You can not ask to have or gain access to your original exam paper(s).
• Queries about grade boundaries.

• Queries regarding question papers and mark schemes.

• Advice, query, complaint & information about materials provided by MUS.

• Complaints or queries on MUS qualifications, exam papers or MUS specifications.

18) Our Islamic centre name is not listed on the MUS exam centre list. What is the process of becoming a MUS exam centre?
To become a MUS exam centre, please fill in a  Madressa Questionnaireand a MUS Exam board member will get in touch with you.

19) What measures are taken to prevent cheating during an online exam?
MUS invigilators are required to take an Oath. The oath is for the parent/Guardian or anyone who will supervise the candidate during the online exam.
OATH- ALLAH (S.W.T) is my witness. I promise to become a MUS invigilator during the online exam - and STOP MY CHILD (children) FROM: *
Using MUS books or other books to aid in answering questions
Using the internet or any other electronic device to look for answers
Asking their siblings for answers
Ask friends, parents, relatives, or anyone else via any communication method to answer the exam questions.

In addition to the oath MUS will:
. Set an online timer – the limit is 1 hour.
. Give questions to candidates in random order.
. Set an expiry date and time on each exam link.
. Allow each candidate to view their Grade after completion.

20) Can a candidate share exam questions after completing the exam?
The exam questions in the MUS Exam are confidential information of MUS, and the candidate must not, without MUS prior written consent, share any such Contents with other current or prospective Candidates or make them publicly available.

21) Will the candidate’s marks and Grade be recorded for the next exam & Will you invite candidates to an award ceremony?
 Exam marks & grades are recorded. However, we will not be doing a MUS exam award ceremony this year.

22) Can a candidate register for more than 1 online exam?

Yes, candidates can register for more than one exam. Register again for the exam you want to take and pay the fees. You will receive a new login id and password to your email.

Once you complete the first paper, log in again to the portal using your credentials from the second registration.   Please note we recommend you start the first exam at 8 am, so get the entire 1 hour

to do the second exam. The online exam portal will remain open from 8 am to 8 pm giving candidates enough time to do two exam papers.

23A) How do you prevent cheating?

Prevent cheating – Teachers

MUS teachers who set exam questions have an essential role in the exam system. They share their subject expertise in the process of creating the exam questions. To Maximise good performance from students and prevent cheating; 

The exam board takes a percentage; of questions created by multiple teachers for the same MUS book. This method prevents exam leaks and allows a fairer way of testing students.  

 [we do not use questions created by just one teacher but multiple teachers]

Prevent cheating – Students

We have put in place the following measures:

1) Activation lock – exam link is activated and deactivated at a specific time
2) There is a time limit set on the exam. A time limit of 1 hour
3) Questions are given in random order to all students
4) The results page is hidden to prevent candidates from sharing their answers
5) limit set on the exam – only one take, no retakes
6) We monitor the average time it takes a person to do the exam.
7) Secure login – only candidates with login info can access the link.
8) No retakes or late start policy; exams can only be taken on the exam date. 

Prevent cheating – Invigilators

1) A Oath – is taken by parents/Invigilators on the registration form before the exam starts.
2) 13 Code of Practice rules for MUS invigilators in the UK & Europe


23B) How is the MUS exam conducted?

On-site MUS exams are conducted in a MUS exam centre. Online exams are conducted via software that has been tested by the exam team to make sure it fulfils all the needs of a MUS exam.

24) Is there some guidance on how to do an online exam?

1- After the registration form is closed, candidates will start to receive a link to a video tutorial

2-  Receive a PDF document with information & advice

3-  Invigilators will receive a PDF code of practice document

23C) Special consideration | How can I withdraw a student from the exam?

Please note MUS Exam fee is not refundable.  However, If you choose to withdraw a student from an exam due to unforeseen circumstances such as
illness, injury or bereavement.   We may be able to accommodate a different date.
Please email us with the following information:
Child Name:
Centre Name:
Reason for date change:
Alternative Date request:
An alternative exam date will be provided to you after the exam date.
23D) Students with disabilities and special needs.
For students with a disability or students who require special needs to help them during the exam, we can make reasonable adjustments
and offer support.  Reasonable adjustments can include extra time for the exam.
Please email the exam board with a reasonable notice period of 2 weeks to make this adjustment. 
Please email us with the following information:
Child Name:
Centre Name:
Reason for adjustment:

27) Is it possible to email the certificate to the teachers

Yes, exam centres will be given a copy of the certificate if requested within 30 days of the exam.

28) Which chapters of the MUS Book will be included in the exam?

The following Chapters from each MUS book will be covered in the MUS exam: Fiqh, Aqaid, Akhlaq & History. Questions are made using the content in the MUS books. All candidates should read the correct MUS Book to prepare for the exam fully.

29) I only have one laptop/PC and would like all my children to do the MUS exam. Is this possible?

The online exam is available for 12 hours after 8 am. Candidates can start the exam anytime from 8 am to 8 pm. Some families will have more than one child taking the MUS online exam. That is why the online exam will be available online for 12 hours after 8 am on the exam date. This will allow multiple people from each house to participate in the online exam. After the first child has finished the online exam, you can continue to invigilate & allow the second child to take part.

30) what is my username to log in to the exam link?

Your username is emailed to you when you register.

31) My username or password is not working

All usernames and passwords are cases sensitive

32) Can I use a mobile/tablet device for the online exam?

We recommend a Laptop/Desktop with a minimum 2MB internet connection. However, the online exam can also be taken on a portable device such as a mobile/tablet.

33) Will the candidate be allowed to check their answers before submission?

Yes, all candidates will have the option of reviewing their answers before pressing the submit button.

34) Can I take the test anytime on the exam date?

You can take the test anytime between the hours of 8 am to 8 pm.