Dear MUS Candidates, Invigilators, Teachers, Parents and the Ulama

 As-Salaamu Alaykum,


This year Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Shia Europe held its 12th yearly exam.  The examination board will release the full exam report on the 27th of July 2024 and share the exam results with all the Islamic centres.  I want to thank all the parents, MUS Madressah teachers, and all the centre volunteers for cooperating with Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe.   For today I can confirm the following:

 1) 680 candidates registered for the MUS online exam.

 2) 21 Islamic Centres participated in the MUS Exam.


 I pray that Allah (S.W.T) increases our Tawfeeq to continue all the great work we are doing for the Shia community in the UK and Europe.   May Allah (S.W.T) hasten the reappearance of our Imam Zamana (A.T.F.H).                  


For all exam-related inquiries please contact the exam team by visiting:


 Many Thanks, 

 Syed Fida Hussain Bukhari

 MUS Chief Examiner